2.5. pywbemcli Help Command Details

This section shows the help text for each pywbemcli command group and command.

Help text for pywbemcli:


  Pywbemcli is a command line WBEM client that uses the DMTF CIM-XML protocol to communicate with WBEM servers.
  Pywbemcli can:

  * Manage the information in WBEM servers CIM objects using the
    operations defined in the DMTF specification.  It can manage CIM
    classes, CIM instances and CIM qualifier declarations in the WBEM
    Server and execute CIM methods and queries on the server.

  * Inspect WBEM server characteristics including namespaces, registered
    profiles, and other server information.

  * Capture detailed information on communication with the WBEM
    server including time statistics and logs of the operations.

  * Maintain a persistent list of named connections to WBEM servers
    and execute operations on them by name.

  Pywbemcli implements command groups and commands to execute the CIM-XML operations defined by the DMTF CIM
  Operations Over HTTP specification (DSP0200).

  The general options shown below can also be specified on any of the commands, positioned right after the 'pywbemcli'
  command name.

  The width of help texts of this command can be set with the PYWBEMCLI_TERMWIDTH environment variable.

  For more detailed documentation, see:


General Options:
  -n, --name NAME                 Use the WBEM server defined by the WBEM connection definition NAME. This option is
                                  mutually exclusive with the --server and --mock-server options, since each defines a
                                  WBEM server. Default: EnvVar PYWBEMCLI_NAME, or none.

  -m, --mock-server FILE          Use a mock WBEM server that is automatically created in pywbemcli and populated with
                                  CIM objects that are defined in the specified MOF file or Python script file. The
                                  files may be specified with relative or absolute path.See the pywbemcli documentation
                                  for more information. This option may be specified multiple times, and is mutually
                                  exclusive with the --server and --name options, since each defines a WBEM server.
                                  Default: EnvVar PYWBEMCLI_MOCK_SERVER, or none.

  -s, --server URL                Use the WBEM server at the specified URL with format: [SCHEME://]HOST[:PORT]. SCHEME
                                  must be "https" (default) or "http". HOST is a short or long hostname or literal
                                  IPV4/v6 address. PORT defaults to 5989 for https and 5988 for http. This option is
                                  mutually exclusive with the --mock-server and --name options, since each defines a
                                  WBEM server. Default: EnvVar PYWBEMCLI_SERVER, or none.

  -u, --user TEXT                 User name for the WBEM server.  Use "" to set default in interactive mode.Default:
                                  EnvVar PYWBEMCLI_USER, or none.

  -p, --password TEXT             Password for the WBEM server. Default: EnvVar PYWBEMCLI_PASSWORD, or prompted for if
                                  --user specified. Use "" to set default in interactive mode.

  --verify / --no-verify          If --verify, client verifies the X.509 server certificate presented by the WBEM server
                                  during TLS/SSL handshake. If --no-verify client bypasses verification. Default: EnvVar
                                  PYWBEMCLI_VERIFY, or "--verify".

  --ca-certs CACERTS              Certificates used to validate the certificate presented by the WBEM server during
                                  TLS/SSL handshake: FILE: Use the certs in the specified PEM file; DIR: Use the certs
                                  in the PEM files in the specified directory; "certifi" (pywbem 1.0 or later): Use the
                                  certs provided by the certifi Python package; Default: EnvVar PYWBEMCLI_CA_CERTS, or
                                  "certifi" (pywbem 1.0 or later), or the certs in the PEM files in the first existing
                                  directory from from a system defined list of directories (pywbem before 1.0).

  -c, --certfile FILE             Path name of a PEM file containing a X.509 client certificate that is used to enable
                                  TLS/SSL 2-way authentication by presenting the certificate to the WBEM server during
                                  TLS/SSL handshake.  Use "" to set default in interactive mode. Default: EnvVar
                                  PYWBEMCLI_CERTFILE, or none.

  -k, --keyfile FILE              Path name of a PEM file containing a X.509 private key that belongs to the certificate
                                  in the --certfile file. Not required if the private key is part of the --certfile
                                  file. Use "" to set default in interactive mode.Default: EnvVar PYWBEMCLI_KEYFILE, or

  -t, --timeout INT               Client-side timeout in seconds for operations with the WBEM server. Default: EnvVar
                                  PYWBEMCLI_TIMEOUT, or 30.

  -U, --use-pull [yes|no|either]  Determines whether pull operations are used for operations with the WBEM server that
                                  return lists of instances, as follows: "yes" uses pull operations and fails if not
                                  supported by the server; "no" uses traditional operations; "either" (default) uses
                                  pull operations if supported by the server, and otherwise traditional operations.
                                  Default: EnvVar PYWBEMCLI_USE_PULL, or "either".

  --pull-max-cnt INT              Maximum number of instances to be returned by the WBEM server in each open or pull
                                  response, if pull operations are used. This is a tuning parameter that does not affect
                                  the external behavior of the commands. Default: EnvVar PYWBEMCLI_PULL_MAX_CNT, or 1000

  -T, --timestats                 Show time statistics of WBEM server operations.
  -d, --default-namespace NAMESPACE
                                  Default namespace, to be used when commands do not specify the --namespace command
                                  option. Use "" to set default in interactive mode. Default: EnvVar
                                  PYWBEMCLI_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, or root/cimv2.

  -o, --output-format FORMAT      Output format for the command result. The default and allowed output formats are
                                  command specific. The default output_format is None so that each command selects its
                                  own default format. Use "" to set default in interactive mode. FORMAT is: table
                                  formats: [table|plain|simple|grid|psql|rst|html]; CIM object formats:
                                  [mof|xml|repr|txt]]; TEXT formats: [text].

  -l, --log COMP[=DEST[:DETAIL]],...
                                  Enable logging of the WBEM operations, defined by a list of log configuration strings
                                  with: COMP: [api|http|all]; DEST: [file|stderr|off], default: file; DETAIL:
                                  [all|paths|summary], default: all.  Use "" to set default in interactive modeDefault:
                                  EnvVar PYWBEMCLI_LOG, or all.

  -v, --verbose / --no-verbose    Display extra information about the processing.
  --warn / --no-warn              Warnings control: True enables display of all Python warnings; False leaves warning
                                  control to the PYHONWARNINGS env var, which by default displays no warnings. Default:

  -C, --connections-file FILE PATH
                                  Path name of the connections file to be used. Default: EnvVar
                                  PYWBEMCLI_CONNECTIONS_FILE, or ".pywbemcli_connections.yaml" in the user's home
                                  directory (as determined using Python's os.path.expanduser("~"). See there for
                                  details, particularly for Windows). Use "" to set default in interactive mode.

  --pdb                           Pause execution in the built-in pdb debugger just before executing the command within
                                  pywbemcli. Default: EnvVar PYWBEMCLI_PDB, or false.

  --version                       Show the version of this command and the pywbem package.
  -h, --help                      Show this help message.

  class       Command group for CIM classes.
  instance    Command group for CIM instances.
  profile     Command group for WBEM management profiles.
  qualifier   Command group for CIM qualifier declarations.
  server      Command group for WBEM servers.
  connection  Command group for WBEM connection definitions.
  help        Show help message for interactive mode.
  repl        Enter interactive mode (default).

2.5.1. pywbemcli class –help

Help text for pywbemcli class (see class command group):


  Command group for CIM classes.

  This command group defines commands to inspect classes, invoke methods on classes, delete classes.

  Creation and modification of classes is not currently supported.

  In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the general options (see 'pywbemcli --help')
  can also be specified before the 'class' keyword.

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message.

  enumerate     List top classes or subclasses of a class in a namespace.
  get           Get a class.
  delete        Delete a class.
  invokemethod  Invoke a method on a class.
  references    List the classes referencing a class.
  associators   List the classes associated with a class.
  find          List the classes with matching class names on the server.
  tree          Show the subclass or superclass hierarchy for a class. pywbemcli class associators –help

Help text for pywbemcli class associators (see class associators command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] class associators CLASSNAME [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  List the classes associated with a class.

  List the CIM classes that are associated with the specified class (CLASSNAME argument) in the specified CIM
  namespace (--namespace option). If no namespace was specified, the default namespace of the connection is used.

  The classes to be retrieved can be filtered by the --role, --result-role, --assoc-class, and --result-class options.

  The --include-classorigin, --no-qualifiers, and --propertylist options determine which parts are included in each
  retrieved class.

  The --names-only option can be used to show only the class paths.

  In the output, the classes and class paths will be formatted as defined by the --output-format general option. Table
  formats on classes will be replaced with MOF format.


    pywbemcli -n myconn class associators CIM_Foo -n interop

Command Options:
  --ac, --assoc-class CLASSNAME   Filter the result set by association class name. Subclasses of the specified class
                                  also match.

  --rc, --result-class CLASSNAME  Filter the result set by result class name. Subclasses of the specified class also

  -r, --role PROPERTYNAME         Filter the result set by source end role name.
  --rr, --result-role PROPERTYNAME
                                  Filter the result set by far end role name.
  --nq, --no-qualifiers           Do not include qualifiers in the returned class(es). Default: Include qualifiers.
  --ico, --include-classorigin    Include class origin information in the returned class(es). Default: Do not include
                                  class origin information.

  --pl, --propertylist PROPERTYLIST
                                  Filter the properties included in the returned object(s). Multiple properties may be
                                  specified with either a comma-separated list or by using the option multiple times.
                                  Properties specified in this option that are not in the object(s) will be ignored. The
                                  empty string will include no properties. Default: Do not filter properties.

  --no, --names-only              Retrieve only the object paths (names). Default: Retrieve the complete objects
                                  including object paths.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -s, --summary                   Show only a summary (count) of the objects.
  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli class delete –help

Help text for pywbemcli class delete (see class delete command):


  Delete a class.

  Delete a CIM class (CLASSNAME argument) in a CIM namespace (--namespace option). If no namespace was specified, the
  default namespace of the connection is used.

  If the class has subclasses, the command is rejected.

  If the class has instances, the command is rejected, unless the --force option was specified, in which case the
  instances are also deleted.

  WARNING: Deleting classes can cause damage to the server: It can impact instance providers and other components in
  the server. Use this command with caution.

  Many WBEM servers may not allow this operation or may severely limit the conditions under which a class can be
  deleted from the server.


    pywbemcli -n myconn class delete CIM_Foo -n interop

Command Options:
  -f, --force                Delete any instances of the class as well. Some servers may still reject the class
                             deletion. Default: Reject command if the class has any instances.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE  Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -h, --help                 Show this help message. pywbemcli class enumerate –help

Help text for pywbemcli class enumerate (see class enumerate command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] class enumerate CLASSNAME [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  List top classes or subclasses of a class in a namespace.

  Enumerate CIM classes starting either at the top of the class hierarchy in the specified CIM namespace (--namespace
  option), or at the specified class (CLASSNAME argument) in the specified namespace. If no namespace was specified,
  the default namespace of the connection is used.

  The --local-only, --include-classorigin, and --no-qualifiers options determine which parts are included in each
  retrieved class.

  The --deep-inheritance option defines whether or not the complete subclass hierarchy of the classes is retrieved.

  The --names-only option can be used to show only the class paths.

  In the output, the classes and class paths will be formatted as defined by the --output-format general option. Table
  formats on classes will be replaced with MOF format.


    pywbemcli -n myconn class enumerate -n interop

    pywbemcli -n myconn class enumerate CIM_Foo -n interop

Command Options:
  --di, --deep-inheritance        Include the complete subclass hierarchy of the requested classes in the result set.
                                  Default: Do not include subclasses.

  --lo, --local-only              Do not include superclass properties and methods in the returned class(es). Default:
                                  Include superclass properties and methods.

  --nq, --no-qualifiers           Do not include qualifiers in the returned class(es). Default: Include qualifiers.
  --ico, --include-classorigin    Include class origin information in the returned class(es). Default: Do not include
                                  class origin information.

  --no, --names-only              Retrieve only the object paths (names). Default: Retrieve the complete objects
                                  including object paths.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -s, --summary                   Show only a summary (count) of the objects.
  --association / --no-association
                                  Filter the returned classes to return only indication classes (--association) or
                                  classes that are not associations(--no-association). If the option is not defined no
                                  filtering occurs

  --indication / --no-indication  Filter the returned classes to return only indication classes (--indication) or
                                  classes that are not indications (--no-indication). If the option is not defined no
                                  filtering occurs

  --experimental / --no-experimental
                                  Filter the returned classes to return only experimental classes (--experimental) or
                                  classes that are not experimental (--no-iexperimental). If the option is not defined
                                  no filtering occurs

  --deprecated / --no-deprecated  Filter the returned classes to return only deprecated classes (--deprecated) or
                                  classes that are not deprecated (--no-deprecated). If the option is not defined no
                                  filtering occurs

  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli class find –help

Help text for pywbemcli class find (see class find command):


  List the classes with matching class names on the server.

  Find the CIM classes whose class name matches the specified wildcard expression (CLASSNAME-GLOB argument) in all CIM
  namespaces of the WBEM server, or in the specified namespace (--namespace option).

  The CLASSNAME-GLOB argument is a wildcard expression that is matched on class names case insensitively. The special
  characters from Unix file name wildcarding are supported ('*' to match zero or more characters, '?' to match a
  single character, and '[]' to match character ranges). To avoid shell expansion of wildcard characters, the
  CLASSNAME-GLOB argument should be put in quotes.

  For example, "pywbem_*" returns classes whose name begins with "PyWBEM_", "pywbem_", etc. "*system*" returns classes
  whose names include the case insensitive string "system".

  In the output, the classes will be formatted as defined by the --output-format general option if it specifies table
  output. Otherwise the classes will be in the form "NAMESPACE:CLASSNAME".


    pywbemcli -n myconn class find "CIM_*System*" -n interop

    pywbemcli -n myconn class find *Foo*

Command Options:
  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Add a namespace to the search scope. May be specified multiple times. Default: Search
                                  in all namespaces of the server.

  -s, --sort                      Sort by namespace. Default is to sort by classname
  --association / --no-association
                                  Filter the returned classes to return only indication classes (--association) or
                                  classes that are not associations(--no-association). If the option is not defined no
                                  filtering occurs

  --indication / --no-indication  Filter the returned classes to return only indication classes (--indication) or
                                  classes that are not indications (--no-indication). If the option is not defined no
                                  filtering occurs

  --experimental / --no-experimental
                                  Filter the returned classes to return only experimental classes (--experimental) or
                                  classes that are not experimental (--no-iexperimental). If the option is not defined
                                  no filtering occurs

  --deprecated / --no-deprecated  Filter the returned classes to return only deprecated classes (--deprecated) or
                                  classes that are not deprecated (--no-deprecated). If the option is not defined no
                                  filtering occurs

  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli class get –help

Help text for pywbemcli class get (see class get command):


  Get a class.

  Get a CIM class (CLASSNAME argument) in a CIM namespace (--namespace option). If no namespace was specified, the
  default namespace of the connection is used.

  The --local-only, --include-classorigin, --no-qualifiers, and --propertylist options determine which parts are
  included in each retrieved class.

  In the output, the class will be formatted as defined by the --output-format general option. Table formats are
  replaced with MOF format.


    pywbemcli -n myconn class get CIM_Foo -n interop

Command Options:
  --lo, --local-only              Do not include superclass properties and methods in the returned class(es). Default:
                                  Include superclass properties and methods.

  --nq, --no-qualifiers           Do not include qualifiers in the returned class(es). Default: Include qualifiers.
  --ico, --include-classorigin    Include class origin information in the returned class(es). Default: Do not include
                                  class origin information.

  --pl, --propertylist PROPERTYLIST
                                  Filter the properties included in the returned object(s). Multiple properties may be
                                  specified with either a comma-separated list or by using the option multiple times.
                                  Properties specified in this option that are not in the object(s) will be ignored. The
                                  empty string will include no properties. Default: Do not filter properties.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli class invokemethod –help

Help text for pywbemcli class invokemethod (see class invokemethod command):


  Invoke a method on a class.

  Invoke a static CIM method (METHODNAME argument) on a CIM class (CLASSNAME argument) in a CIM namespace (--namespace
  option), and display the method return value and output parameters. If no namespace was specified, the default
  namespace of the connection is used.

  The method input parameters are specified using the --parameter option, which may be specified multiple times.

  Pywbemcli retrieves the class definition from the server in order to verify that the specified input parameters are
  consistent with the parameter characteristics in the method definition.

  Use the 'instance invokemethod' command to invoke CIM methods on CIM instances.


    pywbemcli -n myconn class invokemethod CIM_Foo methodx -p p1=9 -p p2=Fred

Command Options:
  -p, --parameter PARAMETERNAME=VALUE
                                  Specify a method input parameter with its value. May be specified multiple times.
                                  Default: No input parameters.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli class references –help

Help text for pywbemcli class references (see class references command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] class references CLASSNAME [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  List the classes referencing a class.

  List the CIM (association) classes that reference the specified class (CLASSNAME argument) in the specified CIM
  namespace (--namespace option). If no namespace was specified, the default namespace of the connection is used.

  The classes to be retrieved can be filtered by the --role and --result-class options.

  The --include-classorigin, --no-qualifiers, and --propertylist options determine which parts are included in each
  retrieved class.

  The --names-only option can be used to show only the class paths.

  In the output, the classes and class paths will be formatted as defined by the --output-format general option. Table
  formats on classes will be replaced with MOF format.


    pywbemcli -n myconn class references CIM_Foo -n interop

Command Options:
  --rc, --result-class CLASSNAME  Filter the result set by result class name. Subclasses of the specified class also

  -r, --role PROPERTYNAME         Filter the result set by source end role name.
  --nq, --no-qualifiers           Do not include qualifiers in the returned class(es). Default: Include qualifiers.
  --ico, --include-classorigin    Include class origin information in the returned class(es). Default: Do not include
                                  class origin information.

  --pl, --propertylist PROPERTYLIST
                                  Filter the properties included in the returned object(s). Multiple properties may be
                                  specified with either a comma-separated list or by using the option multiple times.
                                  Properties specified in this option that are not in the object(s) will be ignored. The
                                  empty string will include no properties. Default: Do not filter properties.

  --no, --names-only              Retrieve only the object paths (names). Default: Retrieve the complete objects
                                  including object paths.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -s, --summary                   Show only a summary (count) of the objects.
  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli class tree –help

Help text for pywbemcli class tree (see class tree command):


  Show the subclass or superclass hierarchy for a class.

  List the subclass or superclass hierarchy of a CIM class (CLASSNAME argument) or CIM namespace (--namespace option):

  - If CLASSNAME is omitted, the complete class hierarchy of the specified   namespace is retrieved.

  - If CLASSNAME is specified but not --superclasses, the class and its   subclass hierarchy in the specified
  namespace are retrieved.

  - If CLASSNAME and --superclasses are specified, the class and its   superclass ancestry up to the top-level class
  in the specified namespace   are retrieved.

  If no namespace was specified, the default namespace of the connection is used.

  In the output, the classes will formatted as a ASCII graphical tree; the --output-format general option is ignored.


    pywbemcli -n myconn class tree -n interop

    pywbemcli -n myconn class tree CIM_Foo -n interop

    pywbemcli -n myconn class tree CIM_Foo -s -n interop

Command Options:
  -s, --superclasses         Show the superclass hierarchy. Default: Show the subclass hierarchy.
  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE  Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -h, --help                 Show this help message.

2.5.2. pywbemcli connection –help

Help text for pywbemcli connection (see connection command group):


  Command group for WBEM connection definitions.

  This command group defines commands to manage persistent WBEM connection definitions that have a name. The names of
  these connection definitions can then be used as shorthand for the WBEM server or mock server via the '--name'
  general option.

  The connection definitions are stored in a connections file. By default, the connections file is
  '.pywbemcli_connections.yaml' in the user's home directory. The location of the user's home directory depends on the
  operating system used. It is determined with Python's 'os.path.expanduser("~")', which works on all operating
  systems including Windows. The default path name of the connections file can be overwritten using the
  'PYWBEMCLI_CONNECTIONS_FILE' environment variable, or with the '--connections-file' general option.

  In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the general options (see 'pywbemcli --help')
  can also be specified before the 'connection' keyword.

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message.

  export  Export the current connection.
  show    Show a WBEM connection definition or the current connection.
  delete  Delete a WBEM connection definition.
  select  Select a WBEM connection definition as current or default.
  test    Test the current connection with a predefined WBEM request.
  save    Save the current connection to a new WBEM connection definition.
  list    List the WBEM connection definitions. pywbemcli connection delete –help

Help text for pywbemcli connection delete (see connection delete command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] connection delete NAME [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  Delete a WBEM connection definition.

  Delete a named connection definition from the connections file. If the NAME argument is omitted, prompt for
  selecting one of the connection definitions in the connections file.


    pywbemcli connection delete blah

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message. pywbemcli connection export –help

Help text for pywbemcli connection export (see connection export command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] connection export [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  Export the current connection.

  Display commands that set pywbemcli environment variables to the parameters of the current connection.


    pywbemcli --name srv1 connection export

    pywbemcli --server https://srv1 --user me --password pw connection export

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message. pywbemcli connection list –help

Help text for pywbemcli connection list (see connection list command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] connection list [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  List the WBEM connection definitions.

  This command displays all entries in the connections file and the current connection if it exists and is not in the
  connections file as a table.

  '#' before the name indicates the default connection.
  '*' before the name indicates that it is the current connection.

  See also the 'connection select' command.

Command Options:
  -f, --full  If set, display the full table. Otherwise display a brief view(name, server, mock_server columns).
  -h, --help  Show this help message. pywbemcli connection save –help

Help text for pywbemcli connection save (see connection save command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] connection save NAME [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  Save the current connection to a new WBEM connection definition.

  Save the current connection to the connections file as a connection definition named NAME. The NAME argument is
  required. If a connection definition with that name already exists, it is overwritten without warning.

  In the interactive mode, general options that are connection related are applied to the current connection before it
  is saved.


    pywbemcli --server https://srv1 connection save mysrv

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message. pywbemcli connection select –help

Help text for pywbemcli connection select (see connection select command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] connection select NAME [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  Select a WBEM connection definition as current or default.

  Select the connection definition named NAME from the connections file to be the current connection. The connection
  definition in the connections file must exist. If the NAME argument is omitted, a list of connection definitions
  from the connections file is presented with a prompt for the user to select a connection definition.

  If the --default option is set, the default connection is set to the selected connection definition, in addition.
  Once defined, the default connection will be used as a default in future executions of pywbemcli if none of the
  server-defining general options (i.e. --server, --mock-server, or --name) was used.

  The 'connection list' command marks the current connection with '*' and the default connection with '#'.

  Example of selecting a default connection in command mode:

    pywbemcli connection select myconn --default
    pywbemcli connection show
    name: myconn
      . . .

  Example of selecting just the current connection in interactive mode:

    pywbemcli> connection select myconn
    pywbemcli> connection show
    name: myconn
      . . .

Command Options:
  -d, --default  If set, the connection is set to be the default connection in the connections file in addition to
                 setting it as the current connection.

  -h, --help     Show this help message. pywbemcli connection show –help

Help text for pywbemcli connection show (see connection show command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] connection show NAME [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  Show a WBEM connection definition or the current connection.

  Show the name and attributes of a WBEM connection definition or the current connection, as follows:

  * If the NAME argument is specified, display the connection information   with that name from the connections file
  or the current connection if it   is the same name.

  * If the NAME argument is '?', the command presents a list of connection   definitions from the connections file and
  prompts the user to   select one, which is then displayed.

  * If the NAME argument is omitted, displays the current connection   information if there is a current connection.

  Example showing a named connection definition:

    pywbemcli connection show svr1
      name: svr1

  Example for prompting for a connection definition:

    pywbemcli connection show ?
      0: svr1
      1: svr2
    Input integer between 0 and 2 or Ctrl-C to exit selection: : 0
      name: svr1

Command Options:
  --show-password  If set, show existing password in results. Otherwise, password is masked
  -h, --help       Show this help message. pywbemcli connection test –help

Help text for pywbemcli connection test (see connection test command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] connection test [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  Test the current connection with a predefined WBEM request.

  Execute the EnumerateClassNames operation on the default namespace against the current connection to confirm that
  the connection exists and is working.


    pywbemcli --name mysrv connection test

Command Options:
  --test-pull  If set, the connection is tested to determine if theDMTF defined pull operations (ex.
               OpenEnumerateInstancesare implemented since these are optional.

  -h, --help   Show this help message.

2.5.3. pywbemcli help –help

Help text for pywbemcli help (see help command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] help

  Show help message for interactive mode.

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message.

2.5.4. pywbemcli instance –help

Help text for pywbemcli instance (see instance command group):


  Command group for CIM instances.

  This command group defines commands to inspect instances, to invoke methods on instances, and to create and delete

  Modification of instances is not currently supported.

  In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the general options (see 'pywbemcli --help')
  can also be specified before the 'instance' keyword.

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message.

  enumerate     List the instances of a class.
  get           Get an instance of a class.
  delete        Delete an instance of a class.
  create        Create an instance of a class in a namespace.
  modify        Modify properties of an instance.
  associators   List the instances associated with an instance.
  references    List the instances referencing an instance.
  invokemethod  Invoke a method on an instance.
  query         Execute a query on instances in a namespace.
  count         Count the instances of each class with matching class name.
  shrub         Show the association shrub for INSTANCENAME. pywbemcli instance associators –help

Help text for pywbemcli instance associators (see instance associators command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] instance associators INSTANCENAME [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  List the instances associated with an instance.

  List the CIM instances that are associated with the specified CIM instance, and display the returned instances, or
  instance paths if --names-only was specified.

  For information on how to specify the instance using INSTANCENAME and the --key and --namespace options, invoke with

  The instances to be retrieved can be filtered by the --filter-query, --role, --result-role, --assoc-class, and
  --result-class options.

  The --include-qualifiers, --include-classorigin, and --propertylist options determine which parts are included in
  each retrieved instance.

  The --names-only option can be used to show only the instance paths.

  In the output, the instances and instance paths will be formatted as defined by the --output-format general option.
  Table formats on instances will be replaced with MOF format.

Command Options:
  --ac, --assoc-class CLASSNAME   Filter the result set by association class name. Subclasses of the specified class
                                  also match.

  --rc, --result-class CLASSNAME  Filter the result set by result class name. Subclasses of the specified class also

  -r, --role PROPERTYNAME         Filter the result set by source end role name.
  --rr, --result-role PROPERTYNAME
                                  Filter the result set by far end role name.
  --iq, --include-qualifiers      When traditional operations are used, include qualifiers in the returned instances.
                                  Some servers may ignore this option. By default, and when pull operations are used,
                                  qualifiers will never be included.

  --ico, --include-classorigin    Include class origin information in the returned instance(s). Some servers may ignore
                                  this option. Default: Do not include class origin information.

  --pl, --propertylist PROPERTYLIST
                                  Filter the properties included in the returned object(s). Multiple properties may be
                                  specified with either a comma-separated list or by using the option multiple times.
                                  Properties specified in this option that are not in the object(s) will be ignored. The
                                  empty string will include no properties. Default: Do not filter properties.

  --no, --names-only              Retrieve only the object paths (names). Default: Retrieve the complete objects
                                  including object paths.

  -k, --key KEYNAME=VALUE         Value for a key in keybinding of CIM instance name. May be specified multiple times.
                                  Allows defining keys without the issues of quotes. Default: No keybindings provided.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -s, --summary                   Show only a summary (count) of the objects.
  --fq, --filter-query QUERY-STRING
                                  When pull operations are used, filter the instances in the result via a filter query.
                                  By default, and when traditional operations are used, no such filtering takes place.

  --fql, --filter-query-language QUERY-LANGUAGE
                                  The filter query language to be used with --filter-query. Default: DMTF:FQL.
  --hi, --help-instancename       Show help message for specifying INSTANCENAME including use of the --key and
                                  --namespace options.

  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli instance count –help

Help text for pywbemcli instance count (see instance count command):


  Count the instances of each class with matching class name.

  Display the count of instances of each CIM class whose class name matches the specified wildcard expression
  (CLASSNAME-GLOB) in all CIM namespaces of the WBEM server, or in the specified namespaces (--namespace option).
  This differs from instance enumerate, etc. in that it counts the instances specifically for the classname of each
  instance returned, not including subclasses.

  The CLASSNAME-GLOB argument is a wildcard expression that is matched on class names case insensitively. The special
  characters from Unix file name wildcarding are supported ('*' to match zero or more characters, '?' to match a
  single character, and '[]' to match character ranges). To avoid shell expansion of wildcard characters, the
  CLASSNAME-GLOB argument should be put in quotes.

  If CLASSNAME-GLOB is not specified, then all classes in the specified namespaces are counted (same as when
  specifying CLASSNAME-GLOB as "*").

  For example, "pywbem_*" returns classes whose name begins with "PyWBEM_", "pywbem_", etc. "*system*" returns classes
  whose names include the case insensitive string "system".

  This command can take a long time to execute since it potentially enumerates all instance names for all classes in
  all namespaces.

Command Options:
  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Add a namespace to the search scope. May be specified multiple times. Default: Search
                                  in all namespaces of the server.

  -s, --sort                      Sort by instance count. Otherwise sorted by class name.
  --association / --no-association
                                  Filter the returned classes to return only indication classes (--association) or
                                  classes that are not associations(--no-association). If the option is not defined no
                                  filtering occurs

  --indication / --no-indication  Filter the returned classes to return only indication classes (--indication) or
                                  classes that are not indications (--no-indication). If the option is not defined no
                                  filtering occurs

  --experimental / --no-experimental
                                  Filter the returned classes to return only experimental classes (--experimental) or
                                  classes that are not experimental (--no-iexperimental). If the option is not defined
                                  no filtering occurs

  --deprecated / --no-deprecated  Filter the returned classes to return only deprecated classes (--deprecated) or
                                  classes that are not deprecated (--no-deprecated). If the option is not defined no
                                  filtering occurs

  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli instance create –help

Help text for pywbemcli instance create (see instance create command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] instance create CLASSNAME [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  Create an instance of a class in a namespace.

  Create a CIM instance of the specified creation class (CLASSNAME argument) in the specified CIM namespace
  (--namespace option), with the specified properties (--property options) and display the CIM instance path of the
  created instance. If no namespace was specified, the default namespace of the connection is used.

  The properties to be initialized and their new values are specified using the --property option, which may be
  specified multiple times.

  Pywbemcli retrieves the class definition from the server in order to verify that the specified properties are
  consistent with the property characteristics in the class definition.


    pywbemcli instance create CIM_blah -P id=3 -P arr="bla bla",foo

Command Options:
  -p, --property PROPERTYNAME=VALUE
                                  Initial property value for the new instance. May be specified multiple times. Array
                                  property values are specified as a comma-separated list; embedded instances are not
                                  supported. Default: No initial properties provided.

  -V, --verify                    Prompt for confirmation before performing a change, to allow for verification of
                                  parameters. Default: Do not prompt for confirmation.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli instance delete –help

Help text for pywbemcli instance delete (see instance delete command):


  Delete an instance of a class.

  For information on how to specify the instance using INSTANCENAME and the --key and --namespace options, invoke with

Command Options:
  -k, --key KEYNAME=VALUE    Value for a key in keybinding of CIM instance name. May be specified multiple times. Allows
                             defining keys without the issues of quotes. Default: No keybindings provided.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE  Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  --hi, --help-instancename  Show help message for specifying INSTANCENAME including use of the --key and --namespace

  -h, --help                 Show this help message. pywbemcli instance enumerate –help

Help text for pywbemcli instance enumerate (see instance enumerate command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] instance enumerate CLASSNAME [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  List the instances of a class.

  Enumerate the CIM instances of the specified class (CLASSNAME argument), including instances of subclasses in the
  specified CIM namespace (--namespace option), and display the returned instances, or instance paths if --names-only
  was specified. If no namespace was specified, the default namespace of the connection is used.

  The instances to be retrieved can be filtered by the --filter-query option.

  The --local-only, --deep-inheritance, --include-qualifiers, --include-classorigin, and --propertylist options
  determine which parts are included in each retrieved instance.

  The --names-only option can be used to show only the instance paths.

  In the output, the instances and instance paths will be formatted as defined by the --output-format general option.
  Table formats on instances will be replaced with MOF format.

Command Options:
  --lo, --local-only              When traditional operations are used, do not include superclass properties in the
                                  returned instances. Some servers may ignore this option. By default, and when pull
                                  operations are used, superclass properties will always be included.

  --di, --deep-inheritance        Include subclass properties in the returned instances. Default: Do not include
                                  subclass properties.

  --iq, --include-qualifiers      When traditional operations are used, include qualifiers in the returned instances.
                                  Some servers may ignore this option. By default, and when pull operations are used,
                                  qualifiers will never be included.

  --ico, --include-classorigin    Include class origin information in the returned instance(s). Some servers may ignore
                                  this option. Default: Do not include class origin information.

  --pl, --propertylist PROPERTYLIST
                                  Filter the properties included in the returned object(s). Multiple properties may be
                                  specified with either a comma-separated list or by using the option multiple times.
                                  Properties specified in this option that are not in the object(s) will be ignored. The
                                  empty string will include no properties. Default: Do not filter properties.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  --no, --names-only              Retrieve only the object paths (names). Default: Retrieve the complete objects
                                  including object paths.

  -s, --summary                   Show only a summary (count) of the objects.
  --fq, --filter-query QUERY-STRING
                                  When pull operations are used, filter the instances in the result via a filter query.
                                  By default, and when traditional operations are used, no such filtering takes place.

  --fql, --filter-query-language QUERY-LANGUAGE
                                  The filter query language to be used with --filter-query. Default: DMTF:FQL.
  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli instance get –help

Help text for pywbemcli instance get (see instance get command):


  Get an instance of a class.

  For information on how to specify the instance using INSTANCENAME and the --key and --namespace options, invoke with

  The --local-only, --include-qualifiers, --include-classorigin, and --propertylist options determine which parts are
  included in the retrieved instance.

  In the output, the instance will formatted as defined by the --output-format general option.

Command Options:
  --lo, --local-only              Do not include superclass properties in the returned instance. Some servers may ignore
                                  this option. Default: Include superclass properties.

  --iq, --include-qualifiers      Include qualifiers in the returned instance. Not all servers return qualifiers on
                                  instances. Default: Do not include qualifiers.

  --ico, --include-classorigin    Include class origin information in the returned instance(s). Some servers may ignore
                                  this option. Default: Do not include class origin information.

  --pl, --propertylist PROPERTYLIST
                                  Filter the properties included in the returned object(s). Multiple properties may be
                                  specified with either a comma-separated list or by using the option multiple times.
                                  Properties specified in this option that are not in the object(s) will be ignored. The
                                  empty string will include no properties. Default: Do not filter properties.

  -k, --key KEYNAME=VALUE         Value for a key in keybinding of CIM instance name. May be specified multiple times.
                                  Allows defining keys without the issues of quotes. Default: No keybindings provided.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  --hi, --help-instancename       Show help message for specifying INSTANCENAME including use of the --key and
                                  --namespace options.

  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli instance invokemethod –help

Help text for pywbemcli instance invokemethod (see instance invokemethod command):


  Invoke a method on an instance.

  Invoke a CIM method (METHODNAME argument) on a CIM instance with the specified input parameters (--parameter
  options), and display the method return value and output parameters.

  For information on how to specify the instance using INSTANCENAME and the --key and --namespace options, invoke with

  The method input parameters are specified using the --parameter option, which may be specified multiple times.

  Pywbemcli retrieves the class definition of the creation class of the instance from the server in order to verify
  that the specified input parameters are consistent with the parameter characteristics in the method definition.

  Use the 'class invokemethod' command to invoke CIM methods on CIM classes.


    pywbemcli -n myconn instance invokemethod CIM_x.id='hi" methodx -p id=3

Command Options:
  -p, --parameter PARAMETERNAME=VALUE
                                  Specify a method input parameter with its value. May be specified multiple times.
                                  Array property values are specified as a comma-separated list; embedded instances are
                                  not supported. Default: No input parameters.

  -k, --key KEYNAME=VALUE         Value for a key in keybinding of CIM instance name. May be specified multiple times.
                                  Allows defining keys without the issues of quotes. Default: No keybindings provided.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  --hi, --help-instancename       Show help message for specifying INSTANCENAME including use of the --key and
                                  --namespace options.

  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli instance modify –help

Help text for pywbemcli instance modify (see instance modify command):


  Modify properties of an instance.

  For information on how to specify the instance using INSTANCENAME and the --key and --namespace options, invoke with

  The properties to be modified and their new values are specified using the --property option, which may be specified
  multiple times.

  The --propertylist option allows restricting the set of properties to be modified. Given that the set of properties
  to be modified is already determined by the specified --property options, it does not need to be specified.


    pywbemcli instance modify CIM_blah.fred=3 -P id=3 -P arr="bla bla",foo

Command Options:
  -p, --property PROPERTYNAME=VALUE
                                  Property to be modified, with its new value. May be specified once for each property
                                  to be modified. Array property values are specified as a comma-separated list;
                                  embedded instances are not supported. Default: No properties modified.

  --pl, --propertylist PROPERTYLIST
                                  Reduce the properties to be modified (as per --property) to a specific property list.
                                  Multiple properties may be specified with either a comma-separated list or by using
                                  the option multiple times. The empty string will cause no properties to be modified.
                                  Default: Do not reduce the properties to be modified.

  -V, --verify                    Prompt for confirmation before performing a change, to allow for verification of
                                  parameters. Default: Do not prompt for confirmation.

  -k, --key KEYNAME=VALUE         Value for a key in keybinding of CIM instance name. May be specified multiple times.
                                  Allows defining keys without the issues of quotes. Default: No keybindings provided.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  --hi, --help-instancename       Show help message for specifying INSTANCENAME including use of the --key and
                                  --namespace options.

  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli instance query –help

Help text for pywbemcli instance query (see instance query command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] instance query QUERY-STRING [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  Execute a query on instances in a namespace.

  Execute the specified query (QUERY_STRING argument) in the specified CIM namespace (--namespace option), and display
  the returned instances. If no namespace was specified, the default namespace of the connection is used.

  In the output, the instances will formatted as defined by the --output-format general option.

Command Options:
  --ql, --query-language QUERY-LANGUAGE
                                  The query language to be used with --query. Default: DMTF:CQL.
  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -s, --summary                   Show only a summary (count) of the objects.
  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli instance references –help

Help text for pywbemcli instance references (see instance references command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] instance references INSTANCENAME [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  List the instances referencing an instance.

  List the CIM (association) instances that reference the specified CIM instance, and display the returned instances,
  or instance paths if --names-only was specified.

  For information on how to specify the instance using INSTANCENAME and the --key and --namespace options, invoke with

  The instances to be retrieved can be filtered by the --filter-query, --role and --result-class options.

  The --include-qualifiers, --include-classorigin, and --propertylist options determine which parts are included in
  each retrieved instance.

  The --names-only option can be used to show only the instance paths.

  In the output, the instances and instance paths will be formatted as defined by the --output-format general option.
  Table formats on instances will be replaced with MOF format.

Command Options:
  --rc, --result-class CLASSNAME  Filter the result set by result class name. Subclasses of the specified class also

  -r, --role PROPERTYNAME         Filter the result set by source end role name.
  --iq, --include-qualifiers      When traditional operations are used, include qualifiers in the returned instances.
                                  Some servers may ignore this option. By default, and when pull operations are used,
                                  qualifiers will never be included.

  --ico, --include-classorigin    Include class origin information in the returned instance(s). Some servers may ignore
                                  this option. Default: Do not include class origin information.

  --pl, --propertylist PROPERTYLIST
                                  Filter the properties included in the returned object(s). Multiple properties may be
                                  specified with either a comma-separated list or by using the option multiple times.
                                  Properties specified in this option that are not in the object(s) will be ignored. The
                                  empty string will include no properties. Default: Do not filter properties.

  --no, --names-only              Retrieve only the object paths (names). Default: Retrieve the complete objects
                                  including object paths.

  -k, --key KEYNAME=VALUE         Value for a key in keybinding of CIM instance name. May be specified multiple times.
                                  Allows defining keys without the issues of quotes. Default: No keybindings provided.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -s, --summary                   Show only a summary (count) of the objects.
  --fq, --filter-query QUERY-STRING
                                  When pull operations are used, filter the instances in the result via a filter query.
                                  By default, and when traditional operations are used, no such filtering takes place.

  --fql, --filter-query-language QUERY-LANGUAGE
                                  The filter query language to be used with --filter-query. Default: DMTF:FQL.
  --hi, --help-instancename       Show help message for specifying INSTANCENAME including use of the --key and
                                  --namespace options.

  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli instance shrub –help

Help text for pywbemcli instance shrub (see instance shrub command):


  Show the association shrub for INSTANCENAME.

  The shrub is a view of all of the instance association relationships for a defined INSTANCENAME showing the various
  components that are part of the association including Role, AssocClasse,ResultRole, And ResultClas

  The default view is a tree view from the INSTANCENAME to associated instances.

  Displays the shrub of association components for the association source instance defined by INSTANCENAME.

  For information on how to specify the instance using INSTANCENAME and the --key and --namespace options, invoke with

  Normally the association information is displayed as a tree but it may also be displayed as a table or as one of the
  object formats (ex. MOF) of all instances that are part of the shrub if one of the cim object formats is selected
  with the global output_format parameter.

  Results are formatted as defined by the output format global option.

Command Options:
  --ac, --assoc-class CLASSNAME   Filter the result set by association class name. Subclasses of the specified class
                                  also match.

  --rc, --result-class CLASSNAME  Filter the result set by result class name. Subclasses of the specified class also

  -r, --role PROPERTYNAME         Filter the result set by source end role name.
  --rr, --result-role PROPERTYNAME
                                  Filter the result set by far end role name.
  -k, --key KEYNAME=VALUE         Value for a key in keybinding of CIM instance name. May be specified multiple times.
                                  Allows defining keys without the issues of quotes. Default: No keybindings provided.

  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE       Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -s, --summary                   Show only a summary (count) of the objects.
  -f, --fullpath                  Normally the instance paths in the tree views are by hiding some keys with ~ to make
                                  the tree simpler to read. This includes keys that have the same value for all
                                  instances and the "CreationClassName" key.  Whenthis option is used the full instance
                                  paths are displayed.

  --hi, --help-instancename       Show help message for specifying INSTANCENAME including use of the --key and
                                  --namespace options.

  -h, --help                      Show this help message.

2.5.5. pywbemcli profile –help

Help text for pywbemcli profile (see profile command group):


  Command group for WBEM management profiles.

  This command group defines commands to inspect and manage the WBEM management profiles maintained by the WBEM

  In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the general options (see 'pywbemcli --help')
  can also be specified before the 'server' keyword.

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message.

  list          List WBEM management profiles advertised by the server.
  centralinsts  List WBEM management profile central instances on the server. pywbemcli profile centralinsts –help

Help text for pywbemcli profile centralinsts (see profile centralinsts command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] profile centralinsts [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  List WBEM management profile central instances on the server.

  Retrieve the CIM instances that are central instances of the specified WBEM management profiles, and display these
  instances. By default, all management profiles advertized on the server are included. The profiles can be filtered
  by using the --organization and --profile options.

  The central instances are determined using all methodologies defined in DSP1033 V1.1 in the order of
  GetCentralInstances, central class, and scoping class methodology.

  Profiles that only use the scoping class methodology require the specification of the --central-class, --scoping-
  class, and --scoping-path options because additional information is needed to perform the scoping class methodology.

  The retrieved central instances are displayed along with the organization, name, and version of the profile they
  belong to, formatted as a table. The --output-format general option is ignored unless it specifies a table format.

Command Options:
  -o, --organization ORG-NAME     Filter by the defined organization. (ex. -o DMTF
  -p, --profile PROFILE-NAME      Filter by the profile name. (ex. -p Array
  --cc, --central-class CLASSNAME
                                  Optional. Required only if profiles supports only scoping methodology
  --sc, --scoping-class CLASSNAME
                                  Optional. Required only if profiles supports only scoping methodology
  --sp, --scoping-path CLASSLIST  Optional. Required only if profiles supports only scoping methodology. Multiples

  --rd, --reference-direction [snia|dmtf]
                                  Navigation direction for association.  [default: dmtf]
  -h, --help                      Show this help message. pywbemcli profile list –help

Help text for pywbemcli profile list (see Profile list command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] profile list [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  List WBEM management profiles advertised by the server.

  Retrieve  the WBEM management profiles advertised by the WBEM server, and display information about each profile.
  WBEM management profiles are defined by DMTF and SNIA and define the management functionality that is available.

  The retrieved profiles can be filtered using the --organization and --profile options.

  The output is formatted as a table showing the organization, name, and version for each profile. The --output-format
  option is ignored unless it specifies a table format.

Command Options:
  -o, --organization ORG-NAME  Filter by the defined organization. (ex. -o DMTF
  -p, --profile PROFILE-NAME   Filter by the profile name. (ex. -p Array
  -h, --help                   Show this help message.

2.5.6. pywbemcli qualifier –help

Help text for pywbemcli qualifier (see qualifier command group):


  Command group for CIM qualifier declarations.

  This command group defines commands to inspect CIM qualifier declarations in the WBEM Server.

  Creation, modification and deletion of qualifier declarations is not currently supported.

  In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the general options (see 'pywbemcli --help')
  can also be specified before the 'qualifier' keyword.

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message.

  get        Get a qualifier declaration.
  enumerate  List the qualifier declarations in a namespace. pywbemcli qualifier enumerate –help

Help text for pywbemcli qualifier enumerate (see qualifier enumerate command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] qualifier enumerate [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  List the qualifier declarations in a namespace.

  Enumerate the CIM qualifier declarations in the specified CIM namespace (--namespace option). If no namespace was
  specified, the default namespace of the connection is used.

  In the output, the qualifier declaration will formatted as defined by the --output-format general option.

Command Options:
  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE  Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -s, --summary              Show only a summary (count) of the objects.
  -h, --help                 Show this help message. pywbemcli qualifier get –help

Help text for pywbemcli qualifier get (see qualifier get command):


  Get a qualifier declaration.

  Get a CIM qualifier declaration (QUALIFIERNAME argument) in a CIM namespace (--namespace option). If no namespace
  was specified, the default namespace of the connection is used.

  In the output, the qualifier declaration will formatted as defined by the --output-format general option.

Command Options:
  -n, --namespace NAMESPACE  Namespace to use for this command, instead of the default namespace of the connection.
  -h, --help                 Show this help message.

2.5.7. pywbemcli repl –help

Help text for pywbemcli repl (see repl command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] repl

  Enter interactive mode (default).

  Enter the interactive mode where pywbemcli commands can be entered interactively. The prompt is changed to

  Command history is supported. The command history is stored in a file ~/.pywbemcli_history.

  Pywbemcli may be terminated from this mode by entering <CTRL-D>, :q, :quit, :exit

  In the repl mode, <CTRL-r> man be used to initiate an interactive search of the history file.

  Interactive mode also includes an autosuggest feature that makes suggestions from the command history as the command
  the user types in the command and options.

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message.

2.5.8. pywbemcli server –help

Help text for pywbemcli server (see server command group):


  Command group for WBEM servers.

  This command group defines commands to inspect and manage core components of a WBEM server including server
  attributes, namespaces, the Interop namespace, management profiles, and access to profile central instances.

  In addition to the command-specific options shown in this help text, the general options (see 'pywbemcli --help')
  can also be specified before the 'server' keyword.

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message.

  namespaces  List the namespaces of the server.
  interop     Get the Interop namespace of the server.
  brand       Get the brand of the server.
  info        Get information about the server. pywbemcli server brand –help

Help text for pywbemcli server brand (see server brand command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] server brand [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  Get the brand of the server.

  Brand information is defined by the server implementor and may or may not be available. Pywbem attempts to collect
  the brand information from multiple sources.

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message. pywbemcli server info –help

Help text for pywbemcli server info (see server info command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] server info [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  Get information about the server.

  The information includes CIM namespaces and server brand.

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message. pywbemcli server interop –help

Help text for pywbemcli server interop (see server interop command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] server interop [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  Get the Interop namespace of the server.

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message. pywbemcli server namespaces –help

Help text for pywbemcli server namespaces (see server namespaces command):

Usage: pywbemcli [GENERAL-OPTIONS] server namespaces [COMMAND-OPTIONS]

  List the namespaces of the server.

Command Options:
  -h, --help  Show this help message.